WearON is a prototyping platform for wearable designers to connect their devices quickly and simply to a smartphone, to the web and to each other.

WearOn, available at WearON.io, makes it quick and easy for designer and coders to build connected and ‘sociable’ wearables that interact with each others’ data. The platform combines data from wearables (that are connected to a mobile device via bluetooth) with local environmental and contextual data in order to enable designers developing projects and projects that are not just based on individual one-to-one connectivity, monitoring and control, but rather on ‘many-to-many’, ad-hoc and spontaneous connections and interactions.

WearON.io was funded by Innovate UK. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science initiated use cases to help inform project development.

Overview of WearON


  • An open souce mobile phone app and platform that can:
    • control any Arduino compatible microcontrollers via bluetooth
    • uploads real-time data from the wearable, as well as geolocation and other metadata, to an online time-series database for storage, visualisation and push notifications.
    • enables the owner of the device and its data to control who is entitled to access their data (for example to enable the development of ‘social wearables’).
    • retrieves and integrate specific local IoT data repositories using Thingful data via Thingful from other sensors available in the vicinity of the wearer (e.g. weather, air quality, seismographs, radiation monitors, etc.).

WearON enables connection to more than one wearable or IoT device around the user
WearON enables connection to more than one wearable or IoT device around the user

Expected Outcomes

As a result of using WearON platform, designers can:

  • Quickly prototype wearable projects
  • Help people learn about wearable technology through hands on prototyping
  • Help people learn about IoT data and the environment around them through conncecting data to wearables

Use Cases

  • Rapid-prototyping
  • Workshops for beginner and intermediate designers and coders
  • Small-scale (<100) wearable product deployments